Puff the magic gasman (Ode to an anaesthetist)

Puff the magic gas man worked in theatre three,

Except of course at half past ten when he nipped out for tea.

His O D A Big Jackie liked his gasman Puff,

And drew up sux and atropine and other fancy stuff.


Together they would gas them for ops both big and small,

The old, the sick, the nearly dead, that pair would gas them all.

Surgeons didn’t notice how fast they were, how slick,

Until one day, I'm sad to say, Big Jackie went off sick.


The next days lists were cancelled as Jackie was away,

There were no other ODAs to try and save the day.

Puff would not work solo, the dangers were too great

So went back home to work alone on paperwork till late.


The agency was called on and sent in good old Sid.

He'd been before, or so they said, so knew the things Puff did.

He'd really lost the knack though, of working well with Puff,

The list was long, the tempers short, and all his notes were duff.


They sent Jack cards to cheer him while he was home so ill,

They asked his wife how bad he was, they missed his special skill.

Sadly the news was dreadful, the thing they feared the most,

If they were wise they'd advertise and try to fill the post.


Puff could not believe it, he thought the news was dire,

He'd only got two years to go until he could retire.

With Jack the days were peaceful, as everything he knew.

He'd have to teach some bright new lad the proper things to do.


The day the new chap started was difficult for Puff,

He wondered what he would be like and would he know enough?

But when the doors were opened it set him all a-whirl

For tall and blonde and beautiful, the new chap was a girl.


Puff the magic gasman works in theatre three,

Except of course at half past ten when he nips out for tea.

At five o'clock precisely he finishes his list

And goes home with his O D A, a pleased anaesthetist.

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