The Kendrick Extraction Device

What is it?

KED Construction

Before application of the KED


The role of the Doctor

Role of the Team Leader

Role of crew member 2

Role of crew members 3 & 4

Role of crew member 5

Application of the KED

1) Slide KED between casualty and seat. This will require easing the casualty forward temporarily whilst maintaining cervical spine control.

2) Check that KED is correctly aligned and that wings are fitting correctly under arm-pits and around torso

3) Ease casualty back in the seat onto the KED.

Only one movement foreword and back must be employed to minimise the risk of damaging an unsupported spin

4) Apply straps in the following order if using the FIA protocol;
1st - Torso middle

2nd - Head (after insertion of head

3rd - Chin

4th - Torso bottom

5th - Crutch

6th - Torso top

5) Re-check and tighten all torso straps and groin straps.

6) Re-check and adjust head and chin straps if necessary. Secure limbs.

7) Lift casualty clear of wreckage, under the control of the Doctor, and onto a spine board or vac-mat as appropriate.

8) Loosen groin straps and lie the casualty horizontally as soon as possible.

9) Transfer casualty, on the spine board or vac-mat onto the ambulance cot and then into the rescue unit or ambulance.

10) If a long journey is expected, transfer the casualty from the long spine board onto a vac-mat using the bridge manoeuvre.

KED pitfalls

No one talks to the casualty

HANS, Belts and Steering Wheels

Should be removed after you have manually stabilised the C-spine but before you remove the helmet

Insufficient space

Cut seat wings off

Ease casualty down the seat

Bring casualty forward to prevent helmet fouling on head restraints

Cut the roof off

Cervical Collar

Wrong size - Offer Doctor a selection

Insecure - Ensure contact with flesh

Velcro sticks to seat or won’t fasten

Casualty Movement

All movements must be in line with no twisting before the KED is secure

Move the casualty down the seat to provide space for helmet removal

Tilt the casualty forward to allow the KED to be inserted

Don’t move the casualty again until they are secure in the KED

KED Alignment

The casualty and the KED must be vertical, not leaning at an angle

The KED must be tight up under the casualty’s armpits

The Lifting Handles are there to assist in this process

KED Fastening Strips

Attach to seat material

Head Roll

The Roll is intended to fill the gap between the casualty’s head and the KED

Just because it can be trebled in thickness using the Velcro securing strap DOESN’T MEAN YOU HAVE TO DO IT!

Smaller pillows can be used and may be better


Forehead and Chinstraps

Get lost and Velcro gets worn - Always carry spares

Must be applied on either side simultaneously - forehead strap first.

Crutch Straps

Buckles flip up or are difficult to locate - Tape or sew to KED

Difficult to tighten sufficiently - "Saw" under buttocks to get in correct position. 

Long Board

Requires extra muscle and takes up extra space. Often more of a hassle than being useful

Must be secure and flat from side to side even if it is raked top to bottom.

Must be removed (from the foot end) using the Bridge Manoeuvre when placing the casualty on a Vac Mat

If not used ensure the casualty is supported flat as soon as possible by lifting their buttocks


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